Saturday, August 23, 2008
So waht's up? If I don't blog, you don't?? just kidding. It's been too long, I apologize. I really don't know where to begin... so much has happened since June right?
How's your summer? I had a hell of a summer. Past tense coz I'm about ready for the next season ;-P There's a Raggae event at the beach on the 31st and that's the end of Summer for me. This year, I told myself I'm gna make everyday my bday party! lol. So it's been an amazing month.
I went to see Alicia Keys and Coldplay on my bday after partying all night. Oh and last weekend, I slept 24 hours straight! Can u believe it? I kinda still don't. But it's the truth. lol
I went to the beach and then went to a pretty famous S&M bar to see Vivian... she tours the world and is really big in the S&M world. Which I just recently got introduced to lol. Don't worry, it's not so crazy as you may imagine...but then again who knows, coz my standards are kinda off. And then went to a "happening" bar... got home like 8am and went to sleep until 8am the next day. I had plans in the evening with people from work... so when I woke up I had a msg from Sexy Mama, and I replied asking where exactly we were meeting. She said, "No Keiko, that was yesterday." lol.
So you keeping the job? School's starting soon? R u excited? I envy that you're going back to school! Tell me what's new with you?
I'll try to write more often bro in small volumes. I always end up not bloggin coz I think of all the things I wanna tell you and just never have the time to sit at a computer besides when I'm at work, working. . .
Saturday, June 21, 2008
friday off
You right! I have been a blog slacker! We gotta get back in the habit...Unfortunately I've let a lot of things fall by the wayside these days what with working all the damn time! I expect it's the same with you...
A couple weeks ago my bank account got broken into - someone cashed a fraudulent check. Fortunately they were rally stupid about it...the check number they used was one I'd already cashed so I had an electronic copy of it to prove the new one wasnt mine. They also used the check to pay a huge fuckin comcast bill - more than $600 - so of course comcast knows who it is that comitted the fraud because the used their account number.
But of course even though I got the money back right away (including the 2 overdraft fees from when a) the check bounced and I called them and told them what happened and b) when they honored the check the next day anyway) there are still all of these inconveniences...for instance, they had to change my account number so I wouldn't get stolen from again - so I got a 3rd fucking overdraft fee when they charged me for new checks and I didnt have any money in my checking account because I'd had to move it all to savings so IT WOULDN'T GET FUCKING STOLEN. Plus, my direct deposit bounced and I didn't get paid yet, so I had to borrow even MORE money from my dad to pay this month's rent.
That was on top of my parents paying for my car inspection because he had to replace my front brakes - so that's what I ended up getting for my birthday instead of money for a trip to see Rich...needless to say I had something of a finance-related just feels shitty to be working all the time and still feel like I don't have enough money to get by.
*sigh* - On the plus side, betweent the car inspection and covering Stephen's rent this month I've pretty much paid back all the money I owe him - not that that will matter if he doesn't have a job to pay the rent next month. It's definitely my turn to be his safety net. Also, I told Fred you and Cheryl "wouldn't be staying once the lease was up" and all that needs to happen now is for Ste and Althea (new roommate - did I tell you? long story short, she's a dyke fashion design major at Moore, went to my high school a year after I graduated - Stephen doesn't like the notes she leaves us but the house is cleaner and we get along just fine) to go in and take care of their credit checks. I was so relieved that he didn't ask to see or talk to you guys and he didn't give me any trouble. You know I'm no good at lying haha.
And with any luck - by which I mean if Ste gets a job (he has an interview at Temple next week) - I should be able to completely pay off my dad by the end of next month. Which isn't to say I'll even be making enough money to pick up my own loan payments. Or have health insurance. In the meantime, I really should start looking for a different job - even if I make less money but work in the city it might balance out - gas is so expensive here now and work is so far away I spend upwards of $200 a month on gas.
Anyway, sorry to bore you with all these economics! I guess in part I was hoping to excuse myself for not blogging more, haha. It sucks not having you around to shoot the shit with on a regular now I'll get to the fun stuff.
So it's true we were very grateful to have Emilia around if only for a day! We picked her up at the airport from her much-delayed flight on a Thursday around 11 and went straight up to Paola's to smoke and chat. Emilia brought us these Mexican lollipops from Texas that were pinapple with chili powder in them - OMG dude. Best lollipops ever, you would have loved them! When we got home we talked a bit more but Emilia was tired from her flight of course and has stuff to do the next day. I hardly got to see her at all on Friday, since I had to leave for work around 6:30 and I didn't wake up till 3 or 4, plus she had to be out taking care of the only other time we spent together was Saturday morning when she and Ste and I smoked and chatted a bit before taking her to the airport for her 7 am flight. So in spite of my luck at getting to see her at all, maybe you can understand why I wish we'd had some more time!
Me and Stephen got Netflix and we've been voraciously consuming movies, a habit we got into when Zayne was living with us...and Netflix is the perfect choice because we were always wanting to watch movies but getting really bored with the same old selection. Also, in relation to finances - Ste and I quit smoking! We just decided it was too much money every month...with everything else I already have draining my paycheck it's just not worth it...although of course we ended up smoking a bunch yesterday because we went out drinking - more on that -
So now that we're sort of caught up on the goings-on I can get to last night - the first Friday night I've had off since I've started my job (the first weekend night at all, for that matter). When I saw I had off I informed Liz and the boy that we were going drinking and later got Gaja on board, although Jessye was non-comittal. So last night we met up and drank a bottle of Smirnoff at 1722 before heading out to Tattooed Mom's where we shot the shit and drank beer (me and Mike did a couple shots) and smoked in the bumper cars. When we got bored we walked to Sugar Mom's and drank and smoked some more, and incidentally ran into Jessye who was drinking and smoking with her OTHER friends, lol.
Around 1 Liz and the boy checked out and me and Gaja played some bubble hockey. We were about ready to head out, so we left the bar to walk Gaja home and said goodbye to Jessye on the way out - she had been unsuccessfully trying to make out with some boy out front of the bar - but on our way toward Gaja's place she said we should go to another bar, National Mechanics. I'd never been there but it was really cool, it's in an old building with big marble steps and columns out front, and inside it's really big, but cozy and relaxed with a fake fireplace at one end. We had a couple more beers and ran into Mike Ginda before they closed up and we walked Gaja home. We caught a cab toward home, too, but decided ahlfway there that we wanted Lil Pete's instead - typical! I had a Rueben which I'm happy to report I did NOT see again the next morning, though how I managed that with a bellyful of beer and a chocolate milkshake, I'll never know...
We also got like 8 packs of Camels for free from the cigarette people, and I drunkenly shoved all of them down sewer grates on our way home so that we wouldn't give up on quitting, haha - and I guess it worked, I haven't smoke today, and don't really crave it seeing as I went without smoking 5 out of 7 days last week. So I feel pretty good about it!
How is life where you are? I certainly deserve an earful after this epic entry lol.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
A Lil' Burned Out...
We definitely don't have anyone playing games on the computer... I mean I don't think it's just about nationality. I would think I'm allowed to goof around if I have the time. We just don't have enuf people. I even feel guilty to go to the bathroom or to take a drag on the balcony... this is how I think... I just went to the bathroom an hour ago so I'll wait another hour to smoke. lol. There was one other person who joined the company the same day I did... but she quit after a month. She couldn't blend in, is what I think why she left. But of course, she said health insurance is not the industry she wants to be in... So I was left to do all the work we have been sharing by myself! lol. Of course everyone else helped me out, but I also started to answer the phone calls and got access to company e-mails. It is interesting to talk to the customers... but at the same time, I forget the task at hand and get mixed up etc.
We should do the study anyhow!!! lol I am always up for experiments, getting to the truth, and proving a point!!! as u may already know;)
This might be interesting to know... we never goof off to play games but we do joke around all the time. Sometimes we get carried away, like laughin till I'm all tears n then have to answer the phone lol. So many sexual jokes too... I just wish u could c my work environment.
One time Sexy Mama came around my desk while I was speakin on the phone, and looking something up on computer and as soon as I felt she was in my zone I started sweating. She is the manager so she gta know how I'm doing etc. I think that's why she comes around sometimes, but every time she comes around I get really hot! So I told her, and she acted like she was hurt. The other two ladies came around my desk and it got cooler... I don't have an explanation but it's the truth. So I just say it's coz she's hot, n I feel like she comes around more often. lol. So we are hard workers but a buncha silly goof balls as well.
So it's Sunday, my only day off... I ain't even slightly Christian but oh well. Caught up on some TV shows... fuckin chillax, sleep!!! have a Kilkenny etc.
It's so funny when you're busy n working, more people want to meet you. But I can't be meeting up w friends everyday, so I've been tryna meet up w my friend Soo for like a month and we just can't find a time that's good for both of us. And we're in the same city! it's ridiculous.
But I just can't get myself to go out on Sunday... I need rest.
This other lady at work, let's call her kira (she looks like Kira Knightly if she was Japanese). So Kira works at a Foreigner's hang-out bar on Friday nights. We finished work relatively early last Friday so I hopped on the back of Sexy Mama's bicycle, and she peddled for a good 10 min. We had to stop when we hit rush hour of pedestrians. But thanks to idiot old man not watching where he's goin, we almost fell, which gave me a chance to catch her. lol!!! hahaha I am so sick minded!!! Seriously all the time I was on the back of her bike, I need to grab on to her... and smell her hair... and then hear her panting. Oh joyous torture... I know I'm sick... that's ok lol.
So we went to the bar Kira works at... n said we were gna just have a happy hour drink. but of course ended up stayin until Kira got off.Oh and last Tuesday... I received a phone call from a customer and he wanted to talk to my boss (not Sexy Mama but the one who looks like my x bf lol!) but he's on a business trip (again). Then I realized I've spoken to the customer's wife so I tried my best to help him. I hung up the phone saying I will get the quotation for the plans he requested n fax it to him. And then I had troubles with the computers n how to use Excel... lol. I have a Mac n Windows on my desk n used it pretty much simultaneously... n since the Mac used to belong to my x-look-alike-boss, we share certain programs like word n excel coz it's licensed to him. Anyways it's boring so basically we have major computer issues. The lack of compatibility, I guess. We have brand new Macs to be set up so we wont have nemore compatibility issues... but the new Macs been sitting in the back of the conference room for a whole month. So really we don't have enuf people lol.
Anyhow, so I went to Sexy Mama coz I was having difficulties with excel... n then I learned there are different numbers to calculate. So when I noticed it was just me and Sexy mama in the office, everyone else had gone home. I really wanted to fax it to the guy that day, n Sexy Mama said she'd stay if I wanted to finish what I was doing. But I was too tired n confused about the calculation, I tried to do it but then thought that I was not able to concentrate under so much pressure... Sexy Mama finished her work n was waiting for me to finish... n then the thought of being alone w her in the office ... panick!!! lol. OMG am I pathetic or what?! lol
Last saturday I was in Kyoto with Naomi and telling her about work. I haven't seen her since I started the job so we had a lot to catch up. Anyways, she told me that she was so happy to hear my work place is enjoyable and that I sound optimistic and more like myself. I was telling her about Sexy Mama, and Naomi was like whao she must be enjoying all the attention especially if she's 38 n single. lol. I said I can so go out with some one 15 yrs older than me, it depends on the person. N then I told her... at Saturday School I have students like around 10 years old n I'm thinking she would grow up to be a beautiful lady... in 10 years she'll be 20 n I'll be 33. It's a possibility, I would go out w a 20 yr old when I'm over 30. Life is wonderful!!! She cracked up, n she was like that is so Keiko. That's why I love you.
So I have been checkin out cute girls...literally. But actually found a cute girl my age workin at Sat School. First I gta find out what her name is... lol!!!! I never paid attention coz I actually have to look at the kids... but she fainally caught my eye several weeks after school's started.
But yesterday I found out that my friend P (who is also a teacher at Sat School) used to be her English teacher... I'm guessin in highschool, but it could be Jr high. Jeez I hope she's not uber young lol. anywho... just a lil fun to look forward to on Saturdays.
I went to a Belly Dance Performance last night after school w P and D. My friend's sister has been doing belly dance for about 3 years now n they were having a huge show w live music!!! OMG the music reminded me of Mimi when we'd get high and she'd start dancing on the table! do you remember? that was super hot.... anyways, the show was awesome. Semi-naked girls dancing on stage... my friend P said she felt like she was watching soft porn lol!!! It was a weird feeling to see my friend's sister so sexy... all I could think was imagining Sexy Mama dancing in those costumes. Not because I'm just perverted n obsessed... but because she said she takes belly dance classes on Saturdays as well. lol!!!
Alright bro, I'll stop here. Hope I didnt bore you with obsessin bout my boss. U know how I get when I have a mind on a chic... remember Jill/Sexy? hahaha
Oh is there any Indonesian restaurants in Philly? Bali-style restaurants? If there are any... u should check it out.
Planning a vacation that's gna b far in the future.... meanwhile workin my ass off....
PS: I am proud of your hiking journey. It made me wanna hike too. Only hopefully not too far from civilized and somewhat hygiene toilets... lol.
Friday, May 16, 2008
working stiff
So much has been happening, but right now so little of it seems post-worthy.
I started my job, training last Thursday, worked 3 days 10am-4pm at the training, spent 2 nights 7:30pm-midnight shadowing people - well, actually, on Tuesday they stuck me with Cleveland/Columbus/Cincinnati, so I guess technically I actually wasn't shadowing that night. At first I was really hype about trying to get things into the system, refreshing the CAD pages (where the incident reports pop up) constantly and fretting about whether I missed anything on the police scanners. Then I looked around at people playing scrabble and goofing off on facebook, and just decided that maybe I shouldn't be taking this quite as seriously.
So, my job must be the opposite of yours, lol. We should do some kind of impromptu study into the differences in feelings of accountability and corporate loyalty in Japan vs. America! Haha, but for now at least maybe you can understand why I expect office workers to be goofing off all the time.
Over the weekend, Kim and her friend Talia dragged me 3 hours up to the Delaware water gap, where we hiked four miles up the Appalachian trail with giant packs on our backs to a backpackers' campsite. The trail was rocky as shit, and all uphill on the way in, pretty steep in places. I thought for sure that I would be straggling behind and gasping for breath since, unlike Kim, I haven't dropped 35 pounds hitting the gym everyday for the past months and, unlike Talia, I am not 'bout the size of a button and hiking a trail I've hiked a dozen times before.
You would have been impressed with me, Keiks. Someone told Kim that an experienced Hiker could make the four miles in an hour, and if you were really out of shape you might take four hours. We did it in only 2 hours, with a break for lunch!I was fucking killin' it, man. When you first start out, you get winded easily and I took a few breaks after the first few big hills. But once I got into a pace, I was fucking unstoppable. A lot of times I had to pause and wait up for Talia and Kim.
When we got to the campsite, we pitched our tents on this platform right on the side of the mountain with a view of the whole damn valley - it was gorgeous. Then we hiked out to the nearby pond where we got some extra water from a stream and Talia treated it with iodine, in which we would later boil our dinner (some kind of Indian-like pureed spinach with curry cheese and wild rice from TJ's that came in boiling pouches. Delish!) At the pond, we climbed up onto a cliff with a killer view and played Uno and Egyptian ratfuck (which I've been obsessed with since I learned it at my birthday party.)
That night, Talia and Kim took a walk on the trail to warm up before bed and I laid on our platform and watched the stars come out.
On the downside, I didn't get the hang of copping a squat to piss right away, the outhouse I had to shit in was like a one-room hell, and Kim surmises that that might be where I picked up the three deer ticks that were feasting on my blood when we got home the next day. More later on whether or not I have lyme disease. Also, I slept about a wink that night. I don't do well without an actual bed and pillow. Kim says maybe next time we can hike to a hotel.
But overall, inspite of the bruises from repeatedly twisting my ankles and falling on the campground (though not once on the trail) and the tick's head still embedded in my thigh, I hiked 8 fucking miles of rough trail in two days and I am so proud of myself.
Tonight I start my first 8 hour shift at work. I hope I can survive the boredom and overwhelming sense of hopelessness that is sure to overcome me after about the fourth hour of being stuck in that florescent-lighted room of buzzing police scanners and ennui, when I realize I'm only halfway done. My friend Roberta, who I worked with at the Franklin Institute, and who I just found out works there, too, says people fall asleep at their desks all the time. She's also been posting bulletins on Myspace for months before I even started working about how she hates the job.
Wish me luck, and for the love of god, dude, show up on facebook sometime between 8pm and 4am my time. On the flipside,
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Man I miss stumbling around the city of Philadelphia drunk w u!!! and not knowing how u and stephen made it home before me and jessye when we were power walkin to get to mota first!!! lol!!! Ahahaha good fuckin times yo.
I'm glad u had a blastful Sunday OUT!! I had a fuckin awesome night as well, but a strange night. I was not drunk. Aite let's call this girl, Monica lol. We met up and went to a random restaurant that I had made a reservation coz she was comin back from Tokyo n it's usually a 15 ~30min wait here on wkends n holidays. I had picked the place out according to her request re: a dark place, coz if it's too bright it's hard to relax. lol. So the food n drinks were aite, but the mood was perfect I guess:) U don't understand how weird it was to meet up w her at first, n talking about highschool. But everything was just right, like we were reacquainting w eachother n we like hit it off.
Then she called her friend to find out where the lesbian bars are at. Apparently we were right in the gayborhood lol. So we literally went next door n found a lesbian bar. Had a drink and had everyone staring at us... and we were just saying shit in English like "Let's just go after this drink... did we come to the wrong place?" Come to think of it I'm thinking, they were just staring at the caucasian girl speaking in Osaka dialect lol.
And we finally made it to the girl party. The place was packed n I would say a productive party for girls to meet... but it's always the music!! is the biggest problem. They play shit u can't dance to... why? Most of the time we were people watching which was a lot of fun. I saw some people I met last month, and they all looked at Monica like I was with a goddess... we got a lot of, "are u guys together?" and she got a lot of, "are u straight?" I was just thinking, can't they think of anything interesting to say? lol. oh well, so we got sick of the music so left at 2 and went to play pool at "Sam&Dave" a typical foreigner's club. They play descent music tho. So we played pool, and she went on the little stage n showed me her pole moves!!! ZOMG, is all I have to say. really.
Anywho I didn't get drunk eventho we were constantly drinking. I just stayed w vodka tonic. I guess it was a good move to go to Sam&Dave where there were mostly guys lol. Coz we kinda just stuck closer together, to chase the guys away hahaha!! But I know I wasn't drunk coz, I was so nervous touchin her. We stayed till 5 n went to grab a bite n got on the train.
So that was briefly my night... I feel like I didn't have much to say about the girl party:( sorry. Had I gone alone, maybe I'd have more to say?
So I took a nap after I got home but forced myself up so I'd be able to sleep tonight so I am so sleepy at the moment. I apologize in advance if this post is crappy lol. There were hilarious dancers on stage at the girl party, I wish u couldve been there to see them!! lol
I hope this suffices for ur tit. lol
PS: Kim, i love mushi cakes too!!! hahaha fyi, she looks like a white woman but is pretty japanese inside:) interesting, isn't it?
Monday, May 5, 2008
queer stampede
I wanna know about the girlparty! I miss those days at Sal's...
Yesterday I was feeling mucho apathetic about life, but it was Sunday OUT, the last day of equality forum and I turned to Ste and informed him that we owed it to ourselves to go mingle with the other queers. Then I called Sofie and told her the same thing. Then I took the two bottles of Nantucket Nectars left by Zayne's crew the night before, dumped them out halfway, and refilled them with the vodka left by same crew.
That's how we found ourselves sitting on a curb at 4th and Market at 4 in the afternoon, trashed and judging people's fashion choices. And staring at the infamous fag hag girl in the black dress with the great body. "Oh, black dress!" <---Quote of the day
Where it gets fuzzy is how, after a slice at SOHO, we ended up doing kamikaze shots and more drinks at TOC (hithertofore to be referred to by Sofie's apt nickname, "Tired Old Queers: The Bar," or "TOQ.") and then stumbling over to Sister's. Shit was hoppin yesterday! At some point I was boycotting one of their shitty DJ's shitty songs, just leaning up on the speaker and this chick comes up and is like "Why aren't you dancing?"and I told her I was boycotting the song, but then she like, FORCED me to dance with her...then she told me I couldn't dance and I told her that was fucked up and then her other friend was like "Oh, don't worry, I'll just dance behind you!" Haha and then I was sandwiched. I want to say they were both cute, but honestly between the vodka and the dark dance floor, the only way I recognized the chick when she started talking to me about music at the bar was by the way she smelled.
Later I tripped over someone and it turned out to be Shalimar. (I fell on my ass but didn't spill a drop of my beer - that's talent.) I was too drunk to remember that I don't like Shalimar so I was all "Hey, long time no see!" Haha, and then this morning I remembered she used to grab my gf's ass...dust under the rug now, I guess!
Anyway, long story short, my fucking legs are sore from dancing and my toes are all's been a long ass time since I wiled out like that! It was a hella crazy tit for tat, bitch, where are your stories???
Saturday, May 3, 2008
I can smell excitement!!!
First of all, Happy 23rd Birthday!!! And, congrats on the job!!!! Sounds like you're on your way to grasp many exciting things. Believe it:)
I certainly appreciate ur advice about hooking up w my boss n not. lol
And not to worry, I happen to think it's a really bad idea to sleep w ur boss as well. What's the harm in enjoying a little palpitation during work?? hahaha. It's just amazing how people can take ur breath away sometimes;) and u know what's greater? Is when u know u have the same effect on them.
Anywho...I grabbed sexy mama out for some drinks last week;) She briefly walked me thru her past n how she ended up where she is now. Sake kicked in n I came out to her lol. Just as I expected, she didn't seem surprised. I was going to ask her if she was interested in goin to the girl party w me, but the other girl said she wants to go so I'm gna take the risk.
She told me she's heard all about me in high school... that I kissed Karin etc. I didn't think kissing a girl was a big deal for teenagers lol. She said she doesn't have experiences kissin a girl when she was a teen so she envies me lol... I guess I might have more to talk w her than I imagined. I'm kinda nervous meetin her after all these years. But if this means more friends that I can be open with, I'm happy n excited:)
Half of me is excited coz I think she's hittin on me... but the other half tells me, let's not be too cocky. lol She's definitely a fun girl so it should be a fun night.
So your job, i imagine u can work from home right?? or do u need special equipments? I think the previous science experiements were interesting. Can't wait to hear about traffic reports!! Health insurance is still keeping me interested:) So many interesting customers:) Can't really share but maybe someday over a long island icetea;)
Any road trip plans for the summer?? Since I am living at home, I plan to save 1/3 of my salary every month which is roughly $1000. I think a trip to Amsterdam will happen surely;) Funny thing is no matter how much you make... it is so easy to spend it. I gave 1/3 to my parents n some to my brother... n can't remember what I spent the rest on ... just clothes n drinks. So obviously saving is not my priority this month, but it feels like I can finally breathe.
Hopefully I'll have lots to write about tomorrow night....
Say hi to 1722!!!
P.S. I miss u too Zayne!!! Have a safe trip to Egypt!!!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
sorry for the lapse bro!
Apologies for the lack of blogging - I went from feeling like there wasn't anything to blog about to feeling like there was too much and it was overwhelming. I've been unusually busy (you know, for me, anyway) these past couple weeks.
So I'll start off with some recent news and work back:
1. It's my birfday!!
2. I got a job!! I went on two interviews this week, the second one was yesterday morning, and then yesterday afternoon I got a call from the guy saying they wanted to offer me the job!It's a traffic editor position at, which basically means I'm assigned to monitor 3 cities and I listen in on police scanners and watch internet tickers and stuff, then I collate the information and post on the website every 60 seconds. I work nights, about 8pm to 4am and I get $12/hr for the first 4 hours and $15/HR for any time I work between midnight and 6am. Right now they're waiting for my criminal background check to come back and I'll start the next day.
Saturday was my birthday party...I had everyone come up to my rents house to eat and play dad made pulled pork sammiches (SO divine!) and broccoli cholesterol and grilled veggies, and my mom made a red velvet cake. We played some Rock Band and I learned how to play Asshole and Egyptian Ratfuck (card games). Stephen, Zayne and Sofie left early with my brother and I stayed later with Kim, Brian, Jessye, and Brian's brother Danny. Afterwards we had a drink at Dahlak and I stayed at Kim's place.
The night before that, Sofie came over and we started drinking, then Stephen joined in; all told, we drank two bottles of vodka and a magnum of champagne before going to Stephen's room and doing drunken sing-alongs to showtunes while Ste played keyboard. Then me and Sofie started replacing key words with "ass." Example (from "My Fair Lady"):
"I could have assed all night!
I could have assed all night!
And still have begged for ass!
I could have spread my ass!
And done a thousand things!
I've never done with my ass!"
Previous to that, I would call 4/20 a success, though it just couldn't hold a candle to last year...remember laying on the roof for hours with Emilia? And the stinkin' train tracks? Haha, good fuckin times...
Kim's bday party was a success, but due to rain there was no performance of Midsummer...instead, we had the party here at 1722. I was in charge of making punch and I chose to try out a new recipe...a fucking TUB of "Long Island Pink Lemonade." It consisted of a bottle of Sauza Silver tequila, and bottle of Seagram's gin, and bottle of Smirnoff, a bottle of Bacardi, 2 gallons of Wawa lemonade and a bottle of Cranberry Juice. Then we floated frozen berries in it. People kept telling me it was delicious and they were unexpectedly drunk - I was so proud!
Anecdote: In the morning, Brian and I went out, did the grocery shopping, then stopped at Wawa for mixers and because Brian was really hungry. We ate our sammiches in the car outside the liquor store and then I locked my fucking keys in the car...So instead of calling AAA, Brian was like "Well my cousin Kate is driving down, so she can just pick Stephen up and drive the keys down to us." So we wait and wait and we're wondering why it's taking so long for Kate to get to 1722 from 15th and Bainbridge. Then Stephen calls and says "Well she's here, but she doesn't have a car. She took the bus in." And then Brian was like "Oh. right." So we called AAA anyway. LOLZORZ.
The next Friday it was BEautiful out! So me n Ste n Sofie and Brian went to Ocean City. We chilled on the beach, me and Brian built a giant turtle sand sculpture, and then we went to this restaurant and speculated that our waitress, "Currie," was on coke.
Anyway, I've had an eventful few weeks I guess! Sorry again for not posting. Dude, hitting on your boss? 2 thoughts:
1. The MAC machine is BACK!!!
2. Dear god don't sleep with your boss.
Watch out for the other facebook chick, but you know at least she seems to be out or whatever...Always wishing you safety and good luck, lucky child; you've only been home a few months so my advice would be take it easy and don't jump the gun on the hooking up with people anyway...give things time and let them develop and you will know what you should do.
Brotherly Love,
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Who's the slacker now???
What's been good??? How was Kim's b-day and Midsummer performance?? You don't wanna update me on anything? JK.
So I have a 4 day weekend!! actually it's 3day coz I worked Sat but I got 5day wkend next wk too!!!! isn't it sweet?!!! it's called Golden Week in Japan:) hells yeah! Plus got paid on Fri. I like jumped when I saw my pay check. My 1st salary, and they paid me for the whole month even tho I only worked for 3 weeks. I love my company lol.
The boss took us all out for dinner one night, and lunch at Hard Rock Cafe too. And in May, we are attending a gala coz he bought a table. I'm thinkin, he's fuckin cool!!! It just reminds me of Rachel on Friends!!! when she's trayna play hardball w Danny the Yetty, and also when Phoebe vs Monica Chandler were tryna find her a date lol. Awe classic Friends:)
I have to wear a dress tho lol. I think I'm going to wear a Thai dress. The charity is for Cambodia, but that's close enough lol JK. So the ladies were like talkin about bringing their partner/ date. The almost 40yrs old lady, let's call her sexy mama. She doesn't have a partner at the moment, and of course I'm not gna bring a date, so she was like "Keiko san, should we go as a couple?" LOL!!! I was like, "I guess I could wear a tux if you want me to." She is alwasy teasing me, I have a feeling she sees right thru me...
The other day, we were talking about age difference and I started talkin about how many Asian women look younger than their age, and sexy mama was staring at me so I asked her if I said something wrong. She said, "No no, I just really wanted to listen to what you're saying." She was also staring right at me when I was talking about how I'm attracted to people who are settled and stable lol. When I got tipsy at dinner, I just started blabbin about how attractive I think she is and I even said "You're like shining, you have a beautiful glow," which made her blush lol!!! So to sum it up, I'm flirting w my direct boss!!! lol
I'll let u know if anything interestin happens...that is if u wanna know lol. We exchanged cell# so we can play during our long wkends, but I actually don't know what to do lol.
On the other hand, there's this girl from high school that I hardly ever talked to (she was a year younger and was in soccer but never had any relationship w her beyond school) suddenly messeged me on japanese fb. I made my profile pretty obviously flamin so I could meet lesbians so I'm just wonderin why she's messegin me out of the blue after all these years. She's the kinda girl I can't imagine I'd have anything in common with... n she wants to go drinkin w me. At first I was like excited coz she's pretty hot (caucasian & japanese mix) and she had pix of her on a pole... maybe she's a pole dancer now??? AND maybe she's gay now???
N then I was like wait a minute... what does she want from me????? Remember Alex/Shakira? This girl reminds me of her (physically) lol.
She invited me to some hiphop event tonight...not sure if I'm up for it yet. But when I told her I want to go to Ladykiller, the girl party, she was like "I've been there!!"
Something tells me that I've tasted this poison before... u get me??
Anywho... I'm just trayna stay out of trouble. Please pray for my safety.
Ok bro, your turn. What's up in 1722?
Sending my love,
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Unfortunately there is no downtime at work. Everyone is a hard worker, and there are many many things to get done. This ain't America bro. I mean if you had health insurance and filed a claim, wouldn't you want it to be processed quickly so you can get your money back? We have to processed claims, applications, and renewals etc. that comes into our office so we can wend it over to New Zealand for assessment etc. We are a really hard working team and we kick ass:) Customer service is superb in Japan... Also, the first three months is like a trial period for me and the company to see if we like eachother.
And I like my team so much, probably because they are hard workers but also just fun to be with. Like on Friday, (I've told you already) my boss popped open wine bottles at 4pm because it's Friday, and also sort of like a bonvoyage type a thing coz he's goin to the Dubai and UK offices for meetings.
Anyways, I just got back from Saturday School with the kids:) Still tryna negotiate a higher pay since I've graduated college and have worked many years with the summer program etc. The guy who manages the salary is new and doesn't speak much English so it's hard to convince a clueless person. The department coordinator and the program director supports me, but I actually gta talk to the general manager...which is difficult because he's never at his office lol. He's basically wackin off...neways enough bout that.
So I've practically ran the whole week. Just got up and went to work 6days straight...and am exhausted, but I feel great! I'm so stoked I get to sleep in tomorrow!!! I really want it to be the end of the month, and meet my first salary!!! lol.
How was your meeting w Drake? I am sure she had lots of good advices for you.
Your science experiments sound interesting! Hey, it's something to do and you're meeting people;)
The ladies at my work are awesome eye candies too lol. Now you can understand why I enjoy learning about insurance so much! hahaha. mmm all I have to say is, it's nice.The oldest lady, the one I met at the bar, said she's almost 40...just right lol. Anyways I gave her a quick back rub and she was like, "Let's do this everyday." I was like anytime lol. Anyways I'm the youngest so they tease me a lot, and I kinda enjoy that.
Man, I'm always talking about work coz that's really all I did this week... but once I get used to it and actually get my salary, I'll make sure I get a life hahaha:)
Let me know how Kim's b-day went!!!
Friday, April 11, 2008
I can only assume at this juncture that you are being a blog slacker because of work/extenuating circumstances. But now that you have, like, an insurance cubicle or whatever it's almost required that you goof off online (read: BLOG) for at least 5 hours of any 8 hour work day. Need I remind you about the time when Chandler opened up an email that said "Nude Pictures of Anna Kournikova," thus releasing a virus into Ross' computer that made everything go black, and losing his keynote speech for the paleontology conference?
Rachel: Oh, this happens to my computer at work all the time.
Ross: Really? What do you do?
Rachel: Well, I usually just go play Tetris on someone else's computer for a while.
See? Even FRIENDS knows that corporate work dynamics require a lot of employee downtime. It's like when Dilbert realized that because he was salaried, his pay was not tied to his work performance, and he kept showing the other employees that he was just twiddling his thumbs.
Dilbert: Do you realize what this means???
Wally: You're getting paid for that!
Anyway, I could drop a steaming load of pop culture references on you, but that would be egregious as the main point I'm trying to drive home is: blog, motherfucker!
Yesterday Stephen and Jessye and I sparkled and drove out to Valley Green which was really quite beautiful but was also crowded because the weather was gorgeous, and apparently it's not too early to be eaten alive by mosquitoes. We listened to Jessye's emo music in the car, and my toe got mutilated by a chunk of glass that somehow found it's way into my sock. Interesting.
Tomorrow is Kim's party; right now I think we're looking at a weather-related postponement of the play performance, and just having the party here at 1722. Well I'll let you know.
I hope my ranting has in some way inspired you (JK),
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
spitting pudding is hard...
Well I'm in a better place mentally than I was at last post. You know how I adapt and how fast I can get back to being apathetic! I'm meeting with Drake tomorrow to discuss options...who knows? maybe she'll be able to pull some strings for me or at least make some useful suggestions. Though, honestly, I've had a moment to get used to the fact that maybe now is just the time when I start working for the rest of my life? I don't see any reason why I couldn't be happy just finding a job that pays for the bills and my various habits. It's like Loverboy said: "Everybody's working for the weekend" anyway, right?
Haha, I mean insurance is not your future career choice, right? But who knows? Maybe you'll find it tolerable enough and just do it because you can for who knows how long. One thing's for sure, as you said, something needs to change. Maybe when I get a job I'll be able to write again. Procrastination is, after all, the best medicine for writing.
I'm stoked you found a dyke community in Osaka! It must feel good to have been able to connect, especially since whenever I used to talk to you about it you always seemed convinced you wouldn't be able to find a QC in the land of the rising sun...I'm also glad you're finally embracing your "hot mom" leanings! Haha! I think it's clear you needed some sort of change in direction in that respect...maybe you'll find yourself a hot sugar mama and be able to retire early!
Today I bled for science again, and we were switching gears from taste tests to texture, so I was tasting all this milk, pudding and creamy tomato soup. And for the purposes of the test you can't swallow anything, so you taste it, spit it in the sink, and rinse. And let me tell you: pudding? Not as easy to spit as one might think. And the woman I've been testing with is leaving next week to attend her sister's wedding in Peru (where she's from), so I won't see her anymore...I'm a little sad. Although at times it was torturous, I came to enjoy Tuesday mornings with Susanna Finkbeiner. She's just a funny little person. Today I had to wear a noseclip to block my sense of smell so I could focus on the textures, and her boss threw them out. Then she said "Well, some people like to take them home. You know, to show children why they should like their noses."
Oh, Susanna Finkbeiner. You will be missed.
So, the job search continues. A few of the trees here have little baby leaves on them...others have flowers. Some are just starting to bud, you know that little haze of green around the branches? Nothing as spectacular as the cherry blossoms, I'm sure, but it brings that little hope of spring, that things might soon take a turn. And then it can't be too long until summer comes again. April showers or whatever...
PS - Listening to Billy Joel. Do yourself a favor and download some. Especially "For the longest time."
Saturday, April 5, 2008
The off party

the worst thing
Dear Allyn,
By this time, should have heard that you have been accepted
in Temple University's Graduate Creative Writing Program, for
the two-year MA Degree in English with a focus on Creative
Writing. It's an exciting program. Some students have
actually visited the University, sat in on a creative writing
workshop, and have seen the level at which we pursue the
criticism of our fellow students' work.
I regret to inform you that we cannot offer you financial aid
for the academic year 2008-2009. We ask that you look into
other modes of financing your Degree at Temple--bank loans,
savings, family help.
The deadline for acceptance with at least a phone call our
secretary, Sharon Logan (215) 204-1796) is Thursday, April
10th. Those who have not notified us by Friday, April 11th,
at four o'clock pm, we will assume have declined to come.
Please notify us as to your decision as promptly as possible,
earlier rather than later--because of our waiting lists.
We look forward to seeing you the end of August, when we have
finalized the date for our Orientation Session.
I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at
summer's end.
Best wishes,
Chip Delany, Director,
Graduate Creative Writing Program,
Temple University
So now all that's left is to decide what I want to do with my life instead of be a poet.
I think I'm too old to change what I want to be when I grow up.
I guess I never thought wondering how to survive month to month would be a permanent thing.
I wish I could feel some other way about this than broken.
Friday, April 4, 2008
hahahaha I am amused by my title. I miss you too, bro! If you were in the states we would totally be playing Rock Band instead of karaoke (loves it!)...And big fat congrats on the job! It sounds like even if you don't like the work exactly, you'll be fine there, I've worked some SHITTY fucking jobs in my time and in my experience enjoying your job is really more about the people you work with. So to conclude, you rock and good luck not that you need it.
Not much is new here, I contacted the temp agency to let them know I was available, but I've heard nothing back. Nada nada nada. I ended up parting from PW on decent terms, my boss wished me luck and said to contact her if I ever need anything, and the receptionist I chat with whenever I am in offered to give me a good recommendation, so I still have to email her...
Fine fine, everything's fine...all I've done since leaving PW is sit in my room and watch movies with Ste and Zayne. I've seen some really good ones, at least...and I started reading Junot Diaz's "Drown" that Emilia lent me...I needed something besides David Sedaris to read before I go to sleep, and Junot Diaz is kind of similar memoir-y type stuff, only hella grittier and more cynical, which is perfect for me! Like, where David Sedaris might be talking about his hellish French teacher who lampoons everyone in her class, Junot Diaz is talking about him and his older brother as kids taking a bus through the DR to beat the crap out of this kid whose face got eaten off by a pig when he was a baby. You know, slight differences...
Till there is more to report,
Thursday, April 3, 2008
I just wanted to write a quick one to let you know I'll be working for the insurance company I've been telling you about! Starting Monday!! It's been a real good week this week... busy but good. I went to Karaoke with my friend SoO and sang the randomest songs!!! Ciara's Promise, which she sang sexy like Ciara... so funny:-P Rihanna's Umberella was soo fun too. I also sang the "badadada badadada badadada..." song!!! made me think of you sooo much!! also when she sang Sean Kingston's Beautiful Girls!! OMG "suicidal~" lol!!! I really wish you were there!!!!!!! You'd love karaoke.
Gta go now, but will write more soon!!! Lots of things coming up!!!!!!
Monday, March 31, 2008
I've expereinced 'eyes turned black and hair on fire'
That really sux about ur PW boss. Did u talk to her when u went in? I'm happy for u that u don't have to deal w the lack of acknowledgement there anymore.
Man! Kim's birthday sounds awesome!! I woulda loved to act in Midsummer Night's Dream!! I'm missin' out so much!!! Although, u guys are so missin' out on the cherry blossoms. I told u about our culture of "hanami"(translates: flower watching) re:sitting under cherry blossoms and drinking/bbqing.
So updating u on my job front... I went in for an interview on friday. First of all the interviewer was out of her mind stuck up. Second of all her questions were useless. Third of all I just zoned out coz I could not be less enthused about working in an environment w someone like her. I knew right away that as prestigious as it may be to be able to say I work for them, it's not worth coming in everyday if I don't like the environment. She asked me, "At our company we provide top class service. That means you will have to look very nice everyday and always have a smile on your face. How do you feel about dressing nicely everyday and putting make up on?" ... ummm I'm wearing a skirt suit and I'm wearing fuckin make up on my face what do u think? it's work... how dumb do i look? Also she asked, "If you are appointed as office assistant, you will have to make sure all the meeting rooms are dust-free clean. How do you feel about that? Do you think you can do it?" Then my eyes turned black and my hair caught on fire... lol. I looked at her in disbelief thinking, lady u said u need someone with English skills...if u need someone to just clean and look pretty go fuck urself. I looked straight at her and said, "I will do my job professionally whatever it is." The funniest thing is she and this other lady interviewed me in Japanese only.
So I left their office in the hilton building to have lunch w my dad. I decided that the insurance company would be a better match for me. I had a work lunch with the sports department people on saturday, and they all told me insurance company will wear me out. I think working at any company will wear me out... the important thing for me right now is having bosses that I can be at ease with professionally. It's not gna last if I just choose a job for its prestige n hate the actual workin environment. So this week I'm going in to discuss my work position in greater detail. They said last week that they were lookin for a part timer and a full timer, but I figured it'll be a great opportunity for me even if I start as a part timer coz once I have a year of working experience, I can say I've worked for an insurance company:) at my next interview for other jobs lol.
I also went Hanami on saturday after the lunch. There were maybe 3 buds blossoming lol! But there were like 20 people bbqing and drinking, so much fun!! It was in Rokko Island, which is a man-maid island in Kobe and for some reason a lot of foreigners live on the island. Probably because there's a huge american school there called Canadian Academy:) lol. They were our rival. Next weekend will probably be the best for cherry blossom watching.
Damn! Zayne's already about to leave? So ur gna keep the house if u get another roommate to sign the lease?? that's awesome, i hope u guys will keep the house so i can visit:) i really love 1722. I've moved around in philly but that was my favorite place.
So I'm reading Stranger now. When I went to pick it up from the store, I was like Eh???! coz i'ts like 700pages long. they got me the uncut version...may take me months to finish lol.
I hope Z or S is home by now to ease u out of existential breakdown.
"All things fall and are built again
And those that build them again are gay."
pet peeves and slate-grey skies
It's a bleak-ass morning here, but i guess Monday mornings usually are? I feel like shit on a shingle. My throat is tired of smoking cigarettes, I'm sick of the smell. In less than an hour I have to head out to work at the PW for the last time...not this past Thursday, but the Thursday before (that would be more than 10 days ago now) I emailed my boss to tell her I couldn't make it in on Monday because I had a job interview. I know I'm not supposed to call out Mondays, but I think 4 days notice and the excuse that I fucking need to pay rent next month should be enough, but whatever. Then I let her know that I could no longer afford to do free labor, and that I needed to devote my time to finding paid work. I said that if there was a position open at the PW I'd love to be considered, but that I just couldn't afford to continue the internship (anyway, my 3 months was up back at the end of freakin' November). Anyway, the reason I'm irritated is that she never bothered to email me back. Not to scold, or interrogate, offer condolences or even acknowledge that she'd received the email. Whatever.
So perhaps you can imagine my lack of enthusiasm about showing up today. But show up I must, sadly. I may not have been the most involved or reliable intern, but I've done hours and hours of work for nothing, and you'd think that would be deserving of a return email.
Anyway. Yesterday Jessye and I went shopping for props for Kim's birthday party - it's weird that you don't already know about because it's what everybody's been talking about for a week now! In a couple of weeks, for Kim's birthday we are going to stage a complete performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream!!! I'm super hype. People will be ridiculously clad (Ste in high drag as Titania, me as Oberon so we can work out some of our bitter old married couple issues on the stage), making fools of themselves and getting drunker by the act. It sounds like so much fun. So J and I retrieved some fake flowers to scatter about the yard, and glitter for both the set and the actors.
So that's what I'm looking forward to as I try not to despair about lack of funds and the possibility that I may have to work this week. I guess I should be excited to be done with PW, but no one will be home when I get home and I imagine myself feeling more bitter than relieved. But that could just be because that's how I feel now.
In other news, a new roommate search is in the works posthaste. Zayne will be out of here in 6 still seems like we barely got finished unpacking and we're doing a roommate search again. And all will still be up in the air until we find someone suitable who's also willing to sign a lease for 08-09. There's always so much to do, and everyday is one more spent waiting to here about financial aid for grad school...if I don't get any, I feel like a nervous breakdown will be completely called for. So I'm just hoping that when I hear back from Temple I can move towards at least having some vision of the future that includes some semblance of financial stability. Or stability at all. Things have gone to shambles really fuckin fast here at the end of my year off.
The only thing to do is wait and see.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
March 25, Tuesday
When I first read your title I was like, "Oh oh! Did A just take some shroomz? Hope she had a good trip." Lol. I know how you must feel about money situation... remember I was stressed out about that too? It's wonderful that you have friends, and it's not like you're gna mooch off of them forever. You'll get a chance to give back. I think that's the best source of motivation. You're not only working your ass off for yourself, but also to give back to the people who helped you. It's a great feeling, appreciation. It'll get you through the tough times re:slow computers n Jackal. hahaha. I remember you bought me drinks when I really had no money, and you've always helped me out so much! The day that I will be able to give back to you is not far:) Good friends are my treasure, whose memories are the only thing I wish to take with me eternally beyond this life.
So Tuesday was a real happening day for me man! After I finished posting and got ready to head out the door, I received a phone call from my Saturday School Boss. Remember the Summer program I worked for? The same boss, he's the coordinator of sports department. It is now official that I'll be working for the sports department again starting April(new school year)!!! Which means that if I get a full time job (Mon-Fri), I'll be working 6days a week but Sat. School is more like a hobby! I have fun with kids, and get to play sports, and get paid! Sweet:)
When I got to the insurance company, they put me in their nice meeting room. The Canadian guy and the Japanese lady sat across from me, and in my head, "Is this going to be an interview?" Anyways I had my resume so they took a look at it, and started asking me questions. It was very casual tho. So we talked for like 2 hours about what kind of work they do, and what kind of work I've done. They especially liked what I had to say about working at Paley Library! lol. Crazy demanding patrons of Paley Library re:professors with stick up their asses. They said they get crazy phone calls from upset customers who don't know what their insurance covers and what not. I think I can handle that. Then they asked me if I applied for other companies, and I told them I had just applied for one recently. I was waiting to hear back from them. They said they would like to have me on board, but also said there is no hard feeling if I chose to go to the other company. So I left saying I would inform them after I finish the interview with the other company.
This other company is an Australian company that provides top class business offices & service. I've been there once when I went to see a career consultant I met at the first business event I attended. His company is based in Tokyo so they rent an office from this Aus. company to expand their business in Osaka. (I hope I'm painting a good picture for you of what it is.)
Anyways, when I left the insurance company I had a voicemail from the Aus. company saying they'd like to schedule a date for an interview. I was so excited just coming out of a 2 hour interview! So I have another one tomorrow!! The lady on the phone said to bring writing utensils so I assume there's going to be some kinda test as well. So hopefully I'll know which company I will be working for in the next couple of weeks. April is the beginning of new school/work year so it's exciting. I didn't imagine I'd be fortunate enough to start work this year with no experience in the 'real world'. I'm just keeping up with a mindset of keep looking for opportunities and keep trying.
Perhaps this blog is my lucky charm!! I think it would have been boring for me to just do it on my own. This is so much more interesting blogging with you!!! Like I said to my friend's big sister when she said she wants to research about sexuality, "That's so awesome! We should write a book together!! We can collaborate. Life is collaboration!!" Thank you Bito for coming up with this genius idea (and remembering that I said I wanted to blog:)!!!!!!!
Let me know about your mission re:job hunt. Don't be tense about working... you never know if you like it or not until you've tried (just like the cuisines you've tried in the past year). Don't think you always look surly... remember you can be whatever you make yourself to be. I know that first hand! In my case, it went in the negative direction in Philly. Being in a foreign soil, I thought everyone was out to deceive me or hurt me... so I had to keep my guards up (which made me extrememly sensitive to every little damn shit), but that's extremely exhausting and I fell apart. You can be confident that you're a friendly out going person (have many great people around you), and you're smart so you're able to do anything you set your mind to.
Gta take whatever life has to offer you!!
Always taking it to the next level,
my eyes turned black and my hair caught fire
This past week has been hell on me. I've been interviewing, so I've been on edge about that, freaked about the fact that I might be working soon, and tense with the stress of having no money. I mean, you remember when we used to say we had no money but we used to go out drinking and get variable anyway? Cuz no, this is literally money. Which is not to complain, since my friends have been more than taking care of me (shout outs to Stephen, Zayne, Jessye and Kim). But still, it's not fun having no sucks even being in a position where your friends might normally buy you drinks anyway but this time you know you can't buy them drinks any time soon.
So today I had one good the morning I got up at 7 (cruel and unusually early if you ask me), had a cup of coffee and a cig and got dressed to walk my ass up to 18th and JFK by 9. It took about an hour to take their computer literacy tests and do the interview. The woman was really nice; she asked me what skills I'd like to improve on, and I said that I'd like to be more outgoing, because it's easy for me to help people in a customer service situation, but maybe I won't approach people often enough...and then she was like "Really? You seem very friendly and at ease," and I said "Well, I guess I have a little social anxiety is all," and she was like "yeah, but don't we all? I do."
So between calling me friendly (as opposed to SURLY) and telling me that it was no big deal to be socially anxious, she has endeared herself to me somewhat. She also made note of my special interests in writing, editing, and research and said that she would hold onto them in case some kind of quirky job came up that I might like.
So I left that one feeling refreshed and good about myself. I had been planning to just hang around downtown until my typing test at 16th and Market at 1, but it was only just after 10 and I was hungry so I walked home and made myself some pasta and watched FRIENDS. Then I got re-dressed up and walked all the way back up for the typing test. Now, let me give you some perspective before I tell you what happened next. On Monday I went into the Staffing Services for an interview I had scheduled with them more than a week before. I got there and filled out an application for about an half an hour; then I sit down with this woman - we shall call her Jackal - and she asks me 3 questions, then tells me I need to take a typing test. But, she explains, both computers are in use and it might be an hour before one becomes available. Would I like to wait, or schedule an appointment to take the test and complete the interview later in the week?
Thus I found myself at 16th and Market for my 1 o'clock appointment today. So I get there and both the computers are occupied. I wait for 30 minutes to get a computer, even though I scheduled a time 2 days ago to take this test. At 1:30, I sit down in front of a computer, and the tests they give are Flash-driven and their computers are these giant old wheezing PCs that might crumble to dust at any moment (even though they have really fancy new monitors and keyboards). In other words, I could read Kubla Kahn in the time it takes these fucking pages to load. So I sit staring at the screen for an hour, only occasionally answering questions or typing up a passage. At 2:30, I stand up from my computer and turn around to see that there is suddenly only one person in the office instead of six, and she is not the Jackal. She tells me that the Jackal has gone to lunch. She'll probably be gone for the whole hour. I should probably just call her for the scores.
And then my eyes turned black and my hair caught fire and I said "You know what lady? I WILL be calling Jackal. IN HELL!!!!!!"
And then I smiled politely and said "Sure, I'll do that. Thanks a lot."
PS - Apologies for the know...and also after walking back and forth through the city in Stephen's loafers the balls of my feet feel like someone forced me to dance tiptoe on a bed of nails. Is all.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Ignorance is bliss?
Gored gored sounds... well just like it sounds:) the only raw meat I ever had was horse meat and that was delicious. So I believe you about it being tasty haha.
So I called my friend's big sister up, coz she's been on my mind for some reason, n met up with her. She's so fuckin awesome!!! I was telling her about how I'm meeting lesbians online, and found out about this event they have every month called Ladykiller. N she was like, "E? Do you have to be a lesbian to get in??" No, it's just like girl party but really no males allowed even if ur gay. They have pole dancers, and performers, and different djs for every hour. And then she said, "OH!! That sounds interesting! I wanna go." lol so, you might be hearing about a Japanese girl party soon;) hehe
I've been making a few lesbian contacts via the internet. They get together to have parties every now and then, and they welcome new comers who come alone lol. It's more than I expected!!! I've never met someone who I met online in person, except for the Temple Law student lol, so I don't know how to feel about it. It just sounds like lots of lesbians gettin together to have fun so that's cool:)
I also met a couple of friends from high school yesterday. It was like laughing none stop!! and then on my way home, I notice I had like 12 unread text from R... I had just told her that morning that I had fucked someone else while we were together because she asked. I never meant to use the truth to hurt anyone. She sounded really pissed like "why would you do that to me? what did i do to you? u ruin me. u make me wanna die. ur a liar. deceitful, destructive, immature, and have insecurities that will never go away." WOw those are strong words. Ok, that's ok. She can say whatever and it's no going to change anything...just made me feel bad a little but I could only say "ok." Then she wanted to know who. But I don't think it's relevant anymore. Whatever happened is between me and them... why should I out them? Plus we are not together anymore, and I really don't feel the need. It was just really ugly with her calling me names n being pure mean. I just said "leave me alone and be happy w ur new woman."
After I said bye to my friends, started reading all the texts. It was like, "tell me who. i tell u who i fucked." "it's gna hurt u. can u handle?" and she started naming guys that she fucked and a lil details too. And Bito, that was the happiest I have ever felt since I've been with her. You have no idea! The feeling of, I was right lifted me and I felt so light. I was sad that she really wanted to hurt me by telling me the things she's been hiding from me. It's unfortunate that you actually try to hurt someone's feeling like that... I was really unimpressed. But I was so thankful. And all this time I've felt pain... everything just vanished. The vision is, clouds parting and it's a clear blue sky!!! She said, "You see not knowing somethings makes us happier. ignorance is bliss or sloth?" I totally disagreed. Yes I thought ignorance was bliss... but I have made a huge discovery about myself:) So I just wanted to share w u this valuable experience I had yesterday.
I apologize for all the troubles I have caused you, and you were always there for me. Hey man, gta have love for people... we are so not perfect.
On that note, gotta get ready. I'm gna visit the insurance people at their office remember?
Sending lots of love and smile:)
Saturday, March 22, 2008
gored gored
The title is the name of the meal I had last night at Abyssinia. (You remember the Ethiopian restaurant in West Philly? I know you were in there once...) It was basically a pile of little chunks of raw beef in this super-spicy sauce. Now, many in my immediate circle questioned my choice of consuming said uncooked meat - Kim refused the Ethiopian tradition of sharing a plate, and when I told Stephen about my leftovers he gave me a horrified look. I dismissed them all as unadventurous. In fact, the gored gored was quite delicious, and spicy enough to satisfy my taste buds (which have been immunized by scorching pho). But, you know, it also turned out to be a little hard to digest. I have decided to consider this a failing on the part of my digestive tract, and not of the idea of eating spicy raw beef. Still, I will be pan-frying the beef before I eat the leftovers this morning. Although I think that's really just good sense considering I know exactly zilch about the preservation of already prepared raw meat.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
feeling, timing, and happening
Before I forget, I loved your article!! And I have ordered Stranger in a Strange Land, in Japanese translation. I wonder why they didn't have it at the store, it is a small bookstore in Takarazuka. There's a huge one in Osaka, but it's so freakin huge I always get lost when I go in there lol! Like I can't find my way out coz there are so many isles and people.
Ahahaha, yeah Eriko is the girl I had a thing for once upon a time... you know there's 1) feeling-you feel a spark or whatever, and 2) timing- there's such thing as a good timing to like someone, then there's 3) happening- some kinda event that inevitably brings two people closer. This was all out of order and it was all working against me whenever I was tryna... y'kno... with her. And she was this confused young soul... imagine her all grown up now...of course she's fuckin attractive!!! Whoever ends up w her is one lucky biatch lol! She's got this beautiful glow that makes you happy just being around her. I'm grateful we're still close coz it's just so comforting, and I enjoy watching her grow into a beautiful individual. (I know its corny... but I hope I don't sound like some creep... oh well!!) And now that she's going to school in Tokyo, I have a gay contact there to show me the night life!!
Great news about CC of A!!! Congrats!!!! even if you choose not to go, it's fuckin awesome that you have options isn't it?! Be proud and celebrate!!! it's an accomplishment:) We are so privileged to have options, and are given the chance to choose our paths. That's why we can never stop trying. I mean even if we have to send out 500 resumes... it's for living our lives the way we want to.
If you do move out to the Bay, I will definitely visit!!!! You do owe me a road-fuckin-trip!!! Once I have an income, I'm gna send myself to driving school. That's in my list of things I want to do.
London sounds like a great place to be. I hear you about feeling at home, "but with so much to explore." That's exactly how I feel right now. I loved Philly and I did feel at home and I miss it... but to be honest there's not much to explore... in my opinion. I guess if you had money, you could go to NY or AC every weekend etc.... There's just so many little things to do, and see here. I don't know... maybe it was the college life... Nevertheless! I love Philly!!! Good fuckin times!!!
Good luck on your interviews!!! I'm sure you'll do fine:) It's all about feelin it!!! hahaha
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
this will be my shorty
Hey duuude! I am jus a bit drizzunk because it is the night before my interview and I was all tense and then Ste was like "Well let's go get some liquor," and you know I did not turn him down. So we've had a bit of wine, because you know what happened last time I drank actual liquor before an interview (I'm thinking pics of me w/ couch and green bucket!) Anywayzorz...
Reading your post I was like "Aah! I miss Keiko!" esp. because of the line when you were like "people man, gotta love 'em..." Haha, that is SO K!... I'm so glad you found a queer ally in the fatherland! Also, isn't Eriko that chick you were tryin to...y'know...way back when?? Haha!!
In recent news...I got an acceptance letter from the California College of the Arts! You know chances of me going there are small assuming Temple offers me equal amounts of $$, but if by some chance I grow balls and move to the Bay you know you better visit me there motherfucker!!! Even if not, I feel we should arrange a Cali meeting sometime in the not-too-distant future...maybe next summer if I'm set with a fellowship n shit n you got a job I could road fuckin trip out there, pick you up and we could ride back to Philly together!! (Of course we would hit up Emilia on the way! And Rich if he's still in the SC.)
Anyways, I better hit the hay if I wanna be rested for this interview...I'm hoping all goes well, but I got another one on Thursday and hopefully I'll hear something back from those other agencies or from the dozen resumes I sent out to Penn in the next week or so...
re: expat bizz, honestly the place I could see myself living is in London...that could be because it's one of the only other places I've been, but also I just love the city, almost as much as Philly...when I was there it felt much like home, but with so much to explore, you know? But anyway, all this is so far in the future...
Updates as they come...meantime, good to hear from you dude, keep the news comin',
Finding what makes you happy is life's challenge
Bahhhahaha!!! MTV shows are awesome for ridiculousness. That guy had to fall, otherwise his speech woulda been a waste of viewer's time and would have been cut. Maybe I should apply for MTV? lol jk.
Ahh the sirens. I actually miss the harmonious sirens of all sorts, with helicopter beats, and random shouting. I am so far away from all of that. And who woulda thought the cops were after Justin Murray who we never met or heard about... I wonder what he did. Just more drama for 1722 ey?
And what did I tell you about taking a fall... you always gta do it gracefully as you did near your brother's pad!!! hahaha I thought you were the master of all 'tuck and rolls' (to borrow your word).
Good to hear that you're keeping yourself busy! Bleeding for science, and whatever it is. I'm receiving news that US is going thru some tough times... yo dollar hit 95yen yesterday thats like whata fuck? it was 110yen n up when I was there... its never good when it takes a dive so quickly. It effects Japan too as we are a huge exporting country. So I'm sure many places aren't about hiring... but you just gta keep your antennas up. Hey, you may think you're just grabbing a drink at a bar and meet someone with chances of hiring you... possibilities are endless.
Yesterday, I went to another one of business executives' events that my father and team organizes. This time it was a President&CEO of a Japanese insurance company speaking about how he made changes and improved the company during the time where there were too many supplies vs demands and all the insurance companies were merging. This one stayed on its own, and made amazing improvements. Ok, I won't bore you more with the details. It was cool, and he's a Drexel graduate. He also taught there and at UPenn. blah~ hahaha, but he is an interesting guy.
Afterwards, I wasn't really planning on going to the all you can eat&drink. But I did... hahaha. It's always awkward for me at first, coz I'm just busy eating and observing people exchanging business cards and talking about their business etc. But it always gets extremely interesting at the end as more alcohol's consumed, and people are talking more casually. I was talking to this hotel owner, he was asking me about Shakespeare, n talked about religion etc. really cool guy. And then I met many presidents in a roll... and they were all real nice people. And then at the very end, I met couple of young guys who were shocked to find out I was my father's daughter... then some people from the British insurance company, a Canadian guy who was shouting "My wife is away, my son's asleep and my mother-in-law is home. I really wanna go home!" and a Japanese lady who I had the longest conversation with. The Canadian guy tried to give me more wine, and the lady says to him "She's a good girl." And the guy goes, "Oh no, I smell trouble when I see you smile like that!" I don't know what was goin on, but I was like, these adults are D-R-U-N-K. Anyways I got an invitation to visit their office sometime next week, so that should be interesting. They said they're extremely busy and could use a hand or two:) I'm not expecting anything coz I'm sure they were intoxicated, nevertheless I got the feeling that they were awesome people and just real fun! Meeting people with couple of drinks is the best thing:)
I met up with my friend Eriko, who used to live in Vancouver, on Monday. First lesbian contact since I've been back!! hahaha. She was telling me how she's out to her family now, and is sure she's not interested in guys. She was like, "Even if Brad Pitt was right in front of me, I'm confident that I won't feel anything." It's been 5 years since I met her when she was bi she's 20yrs old and is so 100% It was so comforting talking to her, with all the histories between us. She used to tell me I was the only one who she could really tell everything to... now in her second year in college, she knows all the gay spots & events in Tokyo :) hahaha! I really have to pay a visit to Tokyo!! She is so funny, we were just walking and talking so I was like "Where we going?", and she goes "I thought I was following you, but I guess I'm a step ahead huh?" and this is every time we meet up! It's like our routine, and its so comforting in a weird way... people man, gotta love em.
I really love being back and reconnecting with friends, and making new connections slowly but surely. Haven't landed on a job just yet, but I'm feelin it dog! (to borrow Randy Jackson's phrase, just saw some american idol episodes). Good luck to you too bro!!! I believe you'll find something. (You should apply for paley circulation once you start school too! it's easy money)
Where would you go if you become an expat? If you're serious I think its fuckin awesome. But keep in mind its not gna be easy just coz u expat urself. Its the whole mindset... with the right mindset I believe you can be extremely content with whatever and wherever you are.
Big hugs,
ps: have u seen the movie, 300? i suggest u see it if u havent yet:)
Monday, March 17, 2008
blame mtv
Yesterday Jessye and I smoked and watched The Gauntlet III for like 4 hours...Nothing like watching people a) publicly humiliate themselves by performing ridiculous physical challenges for my viewing pleasure and b) publicly humiliate themselves in their down time by getting real drunk and shouting at each other for my viewing pleasure. I was remembering the time you and me and Imani were watching it from Rachel's living room and there was that skinny white dude who was like "I haven't been carrying my weight in these challenges, so today is my big day to prove myself. I'm gonna get out there and kick some ass." And then, you stated with certainty, "He's going to fall." Which he did. Good times.
The cops descending upon my hungover ass has been quite the conversational highlight of the week; at least I've had some time to recover from the emotional trauma, but we're still stashing the Jesus away from home and every time I hear sirens (which is, you know, often) I try to judge if they're getting closer or going somewhere else. And aside from all that shizz, I didn't really mention a lot of the rollicking fun we had over Sprng Break - it was hella nice out for the past week, warm and sunny. Thursday Alex and I took a drive up to Mt. Airy to pick Kim up from her internship, then chilled out at the rock garden and ate bananas...that night Gaja and Sofie came over...Friday, me and Ste and Alex walked up to the library and then hit up Sofie again and I got ripped drinking about a half of the bottle of vodkey that Sof brought and we had loud conersations about capitalism and how it's the devil...also on the walk home I pulled another tuck and roll and fucked up my ankle...
Today I fact check, tomorrow I bleed for science and Wednesday I have a job interview with a temp agency and my mom's birthday dinner. And on a painfully funny note, I jus got finished checking an article about this 43-year-old army vet with 20 years of accounting experience who's only been able to get crappy temp jobs for the past 6 years. His longest period of continuous work was for Penn, where he worked for a year and a half and applied for 44 other positions within the University with no luck before his job got terminated. Over 3 years he sent out 478 resumes and got a total of 3 job interviews. The article goes on to relay the news that its now almost certain we're in a recession and that corporations across the country have issued "hiring freezes."
Between the good news on the job front, and the drunken discussions of our downward spiral into facism, I'm thinking of becoming an expat. What do you think?